Why join a co-op?
A 2025 report found that 48% of people in the UK feel the net zero transition is happening TO them, not WITH them: we want to change that.
Joining a renewable energy co-operative is a way for you to do something direct to reduce the impacts of climate change. Money from a renewable energy co-op (this can include its profits, money saved by host sites on energy bills, community funds and more) is kept within it's community rather than going to big developers, and members receive a fair return on their investments from the sale of green electricity. We trust the schemes that we support - they are registered Energy Societies that are compliant with the FCA.
Co-ops want their membership to be accessible so shares (the money you invest and receive a return on) can start from as low as £50, and no matter what you invest you have an equal share in how the coop is run. The maximum legal investment is £100,000 to prevent large corporate investment.
Priority for joining a renewable energy cooperative scheme is usually given to people living close to the projects to maximise the economic benefits to the local community, but opening them to wider community membership allows for the raising of large sums of capital needed to get complex projects off the ground, even in quieter areas.
To join a renewable energy co-op, head to the Current Share Offers page to see which organisations are currently taking on new membership. You can also head to the Explore the Coops page to find a list of all the schemes we support across the UK.