Welcome to Energy4All: Supporting Renewable Energy Co-ops in the UK
Energy4All is the leading facilitator of community-owned renewable energy projects in the UK. We support a family of 34 independent renewable-energy co-operatives, which combined have more than 19,000 individual members.
Founded by the Baywind Energy Co-operative (the UK’s first renewable energy co-operative) in 2002, Energy4All demonstrates the power of co-operation in the renewables sector. We:
- Work with communities to develop innovative renewable energy projects
- Raise the funds those projects need to go forward
- Bring high-quality project managers to support the construction process
- Work with directors to help them manage the projects over the long-term
We provide support for all forms of renewable energy co-ops in the UK: wind power, rooftop and ground-mounted solar PV, hydropower and biomass. Use the 'Work With Us' navigation pane if you are part of a community group or other organisation looking to work professionally with Energy4All.
If you are looking to join a community energy organisation, you can explore the co-ops or have a look at our co-op's latest share offers.
Combined members in Energy4All co-operatives
Co-operatives currently generating clean renewable electricity
Capital raised so far for renewable energy projects
Wind, solar, biomass, hydropower
We work with all types of generational scheme, and we are researching innovative ownership models for future technologies
Renewable energy co-ops in the UK