About Us

Energy4All was formed in 2002 to expand the number of renewable energy co-operatives in the UK as an integral part of our transition to a low carbon economy.

Community-owned green energy is the corner stone of European renewable expertise and has worked successfully in the UK since 1996 through the award-winning Baywind Co-operative Limited.
Energy4All is uniquely owned by the co-operatives it assists; As additional co-ops are established they too will take a share in this growing organisation.

Energy4All offers a highly successful combination of industry experience, community involvement, ethical investment and business acumen providing a package of sector, admin, and financial services to Co-ops in return for an annual fee.

The Energy4All office is based in Barrow-in-Furness in Cumbria with development staff working throughout the UK. Any group or individual land owner interested in community renewable energy projects should contact us and speak to a member of our highly experienced team.

All of the co-ops in the Energy4All family have been created to enable individuals to do something practical about climate change and to create and own some ‘green’ generating capacity. To date, every project supported by Energy4All has successfully raised the money required for its construction and provides benefits to the community while delivering an annual return on capital to members. If you would like to become part of this mutually supportive and highly successful group of community energy projects then please register your interest with us.