Co-op Principles

At first glance, a co-operative or community benefit society might appear to be like any other business, but its uniqueness lies in how it operates. Co-operatives are guided by a shared set of coop principles and values that set them apart.

The co-operative movement is built on seven key principles that shape every aspect of how co-ops function.

At Energy4All, we embrace the coop principles, believing they provide a powerful framework for creating a fairer, more sustainable future. You can find out more about the benefits of renewable energy co-ops for the community on the 'Why Join a Co-op' page.

Voluntary and open membership: Membership of all co-operatives within the Energy4All network is open to everyone irrespective of their gender, social, religious or political beliefs.

Democratic Member Control: Co-operatives are owned and run by their members, ensuring every member has an equal voice in decisions, including how profits are used. Our Co-operatives run on a one member one vote policy.

Economic Participation: Members contribute financially in ways that reflect their role, whether through purchasing, working, investing, or influencing how profits are directed. Energy4All continue to work with our network of energy societies to find innovative ways in which members can participate economically to their energy societies.

Autonomy and Independence: Co-operatives remain autonomous, operating as independent businesses under the control of their members and a board elected by its members.

Education, training and information: Co-operatives prioritize education and training, equipping members with the skills and knowledge needed to enhance the co-op and promote the co-operative way of working.

Co-operation between co-operatives: Co-operatives actively support and collaborate with other co-ops to strengthen the movement. Energy4All continues to help facilitate working relationships between many of the energy societies within our network.

Concern for Community: Co-operatives are committed to enriching and supporting the communities they engage with. Community ownership of renewable energy generation enables people to come together to make a tangible contribution to the fight against climate change, to benefit communities economically and to have a united voice and to enable other projects in the community to happen.